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Musik & Play

About  Musi& PlaClasses:

40 minutes of fun!

High quality instruments and props

Engaging music

(from a wide variety of genres)

Very narrow age groups 

(for developmentally focused instruction)

Not just for kids

(grownups will learn a little something too)

Move up whenever you and your child are ready

Option to listen at home

FREE access to MusikLabs

(CLICK HERE to learn more)

Current MusiPlay offerings:
0 - 5 months


This FREE class meets on 1st and 3rd Thursdays! In music, “do” is foundational, just like the first few months of life. Grow and bond with your infant as we explore the world around us through song, movement, and play. Grownups will be guided through activities that encourage age appropriate development while gaining support and friendship along the way.


Ah, babyhood, an explosive time in your child's development where they're learning something new every literal minute. We'll babble and wobble our way through rhythm, language, motor, social, and cognitive activities designed to specifically support this stage in development. Grownups will also learn a thing or two along the way.
6 - 12 months


12 - 18 months
Your rookie toddler is making huge bounds in physical development and language. Mi classes build on those new skills and help you, the grown up, learn to encourage and foster the independence of your newly minted toddler.


18-24 months
Your toddler is more mobile, more verbal, and probably also more willful. Fa classes see these new skills as a strength, not a challenge and will guide grownups through harnessing this particular stage of toddler energy.


2 years
Explore your two year old's fierce independence and emerging (sol)cial skills through song, movement, and play! Practice language, motor and cognitive skills to the beat of your two year old's drum - they'll show YOU, their grown up, exactly how it's done.


With preschool in sight, your kiddo is refining their foundational skills and embracing their independence. Sing, dance, and play with your toddler as we explore fundamental musical concepts and classroom skills.
3 & 4 years


6 months - 5 years
Intended for mixed-aged siblings, Ti classes explore the variety of musical and developmental skills taught in our Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, and La classes while also encouraging play and musical exploration between baby/toddler siblings and their grownups. (Please make sure you register each child for this class).

Program Details & Policies



Each of our classes are taught on an ongoing schedule with openings available every month. Classes are 40 minutes. We encourage you to arrive 5 minutes (but no more than 10) early to come in and get settled before your class starts.

All in class materials are provided for Musik & Play and MusikMakers classes. MusikMakers students are provided with take home teaching aids and sheet music, take home instruments are not provided.

MusikMakers classes may require a one time 20 minute intro class separate from your scheduled class. Please see the enrollment page for more details.

Please note that NO SHOES are allowed in our facility. Wearing socks is mandatory for adults and children 4 or older. We highly encourage grippy socks. We have washed loaner socks available if you forget to bring some but cannot guarantee we have your size available. We also have socks available for purchase.

Please, no food or drinks inside our classroom. Guests are welcome to enjoy covered beverages in our gathering area. We ask that all food be consumed outside our facility. Nursing and bottle feeding is okay wherever you are most comfortable. We have a lounge area set up in the back that nursing and bottle feeding parents are welcome to use.

Monthly tuition is $85 plus an initial $35 registration fee. Registration fees are waived for class transfers, re enrollment within 90 days of last attended class, and siblings of active students. Tuition does not change based on the number of classes within a month. Please see our studio calendar for scheduled closures.


Families with more than one child attending class must have both children enrolled. With the exception of "Ti" classes, Infants under 1 worn in a carrier may attend an older sibling's class free of charge; they'll even benefit from some of the sounds and movement. Grownups must remain in the facility attending to all of their children at all times.

We are a cashless facility and only accept digital payment. All active students must be enrolled through our student portal where payments are run through auto pay on the 1st of each month.

Cancellation must occur via a "drop request" through our student portal 7 or more days before the 1st in order to not be charged the following month. Verbal and other forms of cancellation will not be accepted. Be sure to complete a drop request for each class and each student you wish to unenroll. 

How to drop via the student portal:

1. Login to your account

2. In the dropdown menu select "My Account"

3. Under the student icon click "Enrollments"

4. For the class you wish to drop click "Drop Enrollment"

5. Complete the prompts and submit by clicking "Yes, please drop!"


After you've completed your request, we will notify you when your drop is complete.

To keep our staff and community healthy, please do not attend if you are sick. We reserve the right to turn you away if you or your child are exhibiting cold and flu like symptoms. Please read through terms and conditions when registering for more information.

In lieu of make up classes, we offer MusikLabs every week. Use our space and instruments to get an extra jam session in because you've missed a class or just because. MusikLabs are free and unlimited to all active students and you can easily register online through our student portal. Please note that although unlimited, students are only able to reserve one MusikLab spot at a time. Want to bring a friend to a MusikLab? No problem. Friends or siblings that are not actively enrolled may register. Registration for guests is $7 per person. Please make sure each attendee is registered as space is limited. Adults accompanying children do not need to register. Please see MusikLab policies for more details.

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